
Type 2 diabetes in adults: management

Website: www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng28

Diabetes – NHS

Website: www.nhs.uk – Diabetes

Diabetes Clinics

We provide regular dedicated clinics for our diabetic patients every Thursday of the month. Our diabetic leads are Dr Yann Lefeuvre. Our diabetic team can also refer patients for retinal eye screening, specialist podiatry services, prescribed gym work and educational courses.

We write to our diabetic patients offering blood tests every 6 months and a clinic appointment every year with a diabetic nurse specialist a nurse or health care assistant. If our diabetic patients need to be seen more regularly or urgently they can be booked with a GP.

If you have any questions regarding your diabetic appointment or review you can call the practice and ask to speak to our reception Holly Piacquado or Koti Lubinda.

Alternatively, If you want to make changes to your diabetic appointment or ask any question regarding your appointment, please use eConsult :

Change Your Appointment: eConsult